Kamis, 03 April 2014

Tugas bahasa inggris bisnis 2

Taxt 2

Nama   :  JAYANTI SW
Npm    : 13219731
Kelas   : 4EA18

1.      Simple Past Tense : At one particular time in the past, this happened.
Example : - I took a bath yesterday , - I drunk a coffee yesterday

2.      Present Tense   : In general, the simple present expresses event or situations that exitst always, usually, habitally.
Example :- I usually watch stand up comedy , - I always go to school , - I eat everyday
3.      Future Tense : At one partieular time in the future, this will happen.
Example : - I will drink a tea tomorrow , - I will go to kora next week

Singular noun is describing only one person, place or thing. Plural noun is describes more than one person, place or thing.

Example Singular : The elevator worked very well yesterday
                            Andi had gone before Ani arrived.

Example Plural     : The elevators worked very well yesterday
                             Andi and Amir had gone before Ani arrived. 

Pronoun is a word or form that substitutes for a noun or noun phrase. It is a particular case of a pro-form. Common pronouns include he, her, him, I, it, me, she, them, they, us, and we.
Personal pronoun : These pronouns are used for a specific object or person and they change their form’s to indicate the different gender,number,case and persons speaking.
Example : - He went to the market , - she is doing the laundry
Possesive pronoun : Indude my, mine, our, ours, its, his, her, hers, their, theirs, your, yours, whose, and one’s all word that demonnstrate ownership.
Example : - I saw her book on your table , - His hair is long than hers, - One’s treasure is special
Reflexive pronoun : Those whinch are to indicate a noun whice has been used in an earlier part of the same sentences.
These pronouns are : my self, themsel, yourself, ourselves, herself, himself, and itself.
Example : - Jasmin was going to tske it to the shop but ended up fixing it herself one afternoon., - He prefers to be by himself after a game

Tugas bahasa inggris bisnis 2

Taxt 1

Npm    : 13210731
Kelas   : 4EA18

My Defect Father
“Ron i where are you going? wear your jacket.”some one late,Dad.’’jnswered the son in front of the door.”But today is co cold, Ronal.keep your health.”Ronald father stood from a chair and walked to ronald with jacket in his hand.”stop,dad!!!im not child againt i must go now good bye!!’Ronald walked hurriedly to his school . his father just stared him with sad face from a window. “Mr Richard, are you ok? You are better sit on the chair and i will prepare breakfast for you.”said a young women.
“Thank you miss yuki, you’re nice nurse, “ said Mr. Richard. After Mr.Richard took his breakfast. He enters ronald bedroom and tidying the room. “Mr.Richard, what are u doing ? let me help you , “said miss yuki, “just tidy up me son’s bedroom, i will go to work now. ”answer Mr.Richard. when Mr.Richard will leave Ronald’s room, he looked something in the table. In ronald school. Mr Richard walked with crutch in his letf hand, searching for Ronald class room.

“Yes Sir, can i help you? “ Answered the teacher, “im Mr Richard i just want to give this book to my son”. “Mr.Richard? are you a father Ronald. Richard? ”when ronald heard the question, “he is not my father everybody in the class surprised. Mr.Richard looking at Ronald, he can see that his son was angri just from eyes. “sorry, sir, maybe im false, maybe he is not in this class. But, help me to give this book to my son, thank you, good morning.” Mr.Richard left the class and now he is walking in the bakery shop. Mr.Richard is owner of this shop and he has a lot employees.
Shop at the same at school.

“This your matehematics book. After this you will learn mathematich, right? Say thank you to your father. He has helped you. “said the teacher.Ronald back to his class.
At 19.00 P.M at home
“goodevening, miss yuki. “Mr.Richard said. “a good morning, Mr.Richard asked. “he is in the living room Mr.”answered in his face. “Ron, what happened with you ? “Mr.Richard asked worriedy.”I Quarrel,” Ronald answered.”When ? Why you quarrel ? with whom? Asked Mr.Richard.”with my friend. The ridiculed me and said that i have a defect father”.answered Ronald.”Let me see your wound.”

“Dont touche me ! this because of you.! I don’t like you! “Ronald push his father until his father fell to the floor and he run to his bedroom.
Mr.Richard was trying to stand but his crutch threw far from him.
“Oh !! My god ! Mr.Richard, what happened? “Miss yuki surprised. She has just back to a medicine for Ronald. “yuki , can you help me ? please give the medicine for my son and cure his wound.” Said Mr.Richard. “Yes Mr.Richard. but let me help me first.”answered miss yuki.
Tommorow morning , Ronald goes to school with out breakfast. He did not eat although breakfast already available.when break time is school. Mr.Richard comes to school and. Searching for Ronald. He bring somebread for Ronald. In the middle way to ronald’s class room. Ronald saw his father. Walks. With his crutch. Ronald walked near to his father and Mr.Richard smile to Ronald.
“What are you doing, here ? “Ronald asked his father. “this for you Ronald.”Mr.Richard gave the breads to ronald.”father i dont want, please back to home and dont search me like this. You make me shy, i dont like you ! Actually , a dont want you as my father ! go away now !! “after said that, Ronald left his father Mr.Richard veryfell sad. But he still try to be patient and back to his bakery shop.

At 15.00 P.M Ronald back to home. He still angry to his father diary, from that. He knew that his father had save Ronald from car accident and made his father defect when Ronald was a baby, his mother dead in accident. And his father love’s him so much more than anything.he feel very sorry to his father.
At 19.00 P.M .Richard back to home. “good evening. Dad Ronald opened the door with his smile. “good evening, Ronald have you dinner ? bring some food for dinner. This is your favorite food, i hope you will eat this, but if you dont want please dont throw away this food. “Mr.Richard said. “im so sorry,Dad, im a bad son, im stupid son, “Ronald said. “im sorry to make you shy, im not a perfect father, “Mr.Richard answerred. “you are perfetc father that i have, Dad you’er my hero.”Ronald said.
Mr.richard little confused but he was very happy, “thank you, dad, thank you for your love to me, “Ronald said. “where do you know all about thatRon? “Asked Mr.Richard. “from your black book . “Ronald answered with his smile.
Mr.Richard nodded his head. He understand now. He hug his son. “les’s dinner,Son.”
They are dinner together in warmth that right.