Minggu, 25 Mei 2014

bahasa inggris 2

Post 1
Nama : jayanti.sw
Npm    : 13210731
Kelas   : 4EA18

1. The Simple Past Tense and The Present Perfect          
The Simple Past Tense :
indicates that an activity began and ended at a particular time in the past.
The Present Perfect :
use ‘for’ and ‘since’ current activities are still continuing.
Example Simple Pat Tense :             I bought 5 pen’s yesterday.
                                                            I went to the mall last night.
Example Present Perfect     :            I have bought 5 pen’s this week.
                                                            I have gone to the mall.

2. Subject Verb Agrement :
adjustment between the verb with the subject in number, namely : singular or plural. The subject can be a noun, Pronoun, or other cunstruction acting as a noun, gerund and infinitive like. Basicly, use a singular subject singular verb, while a plural subject plural verb use.
Example : The sun rises
                  The stars shine

3. Possesive Pronouns and Adjective Pronouns :
Possesive pronouns and adjective are two different ways to show possesson in english. Possesive adjective go before the noun and possesive pronouns go after the noun.
Example  : The cat is mine (Noun+Possessive Pronouns)
                   The white cat is hers  (Noun+Possessive Pronouns)
Example :  His dog is black (Adjective + noun)
                   My dog is small (Adjective + noun)

4. Colective Noun :
Collective noun is a noun that is used to represent a group name or a group (consisting of more than one member). This noun can be a person, animal, or thing.
Example : The majority of the students want to come in ceremony tonight.
                  A school of fish is swimming across the water fall.

Bahasa inggris 2

Post 2 (Verb as Complement)
Nama : jayanti sw
Npm    : 13210731
Kelas   : 4EA18
Verb as Complement – A verb complement is the arangement of the one verb as the object of another verb.
1. Verb followed by infinitive a infinitives are the ‘to’ from the verb. The infinitive from of ‘learn’is’to learn’ .
Example : I want to come tommorow
                 The children learned to write letters
                 The best times to talk with him is at night
2. Verb followed by gerund is a word formed from (the verb) with the added (suffix)- ing and function as (a noun).
Example : Binging is a phase frequently done by a bulimic.
                 They disscussed an article about telling the truth.
                 My bestfriend’s favorite activity, shopping, has made her spend much
3. Verb and preposition followed by gerund.
Example : After being stopped by the police john admitted to having drunk two pints of beer. 
                  Do you ever think about getting married and having children ?.
                  The suspect never confessed to killing his wife.
4. Adjective and preposition followed by gerund
Example : The money will be devoted to protecting the environtment.
                 The hikkers were worried about not having enough water.
                 They are opposed to building a new road in the park.

Bahasa inggris bisnis 2

Post 1
Nama : jayanti sw
Npm    : 13210731
Kelas   : 4EA18

1. The Simple Past Tense and The Present Perfect          
The Simple Past Tense :
indicates that an activity began and ended at a particular time in the past.
The Present Perfect :
use ‘for’ and ‘since’ current activities are still continuing.
Example Simple Pat Tense :             I bought 5 pen’s yesterday.
                                                            I went to the mall last night.
Example Present Perfect     :            I have bought 5 pen’s this week.
                                                            I have gone to the mall.

2. Subject Verb Agrement :
adjustment between the verb with the subject in number, namely : singular or plural. The subject can be a noun, Pronoun, or other cunstruction acting as a noun, gerund and infinitive like. Basicly, use a singular subject singular verb, while a plural subject plural verb use.
Example : The sun rises
                  The stars shine

3. Possesive Pronouns and Adjective Pronouns :
Possesive pronouns and adjective are two different ways to show possesson in english. Possesive adjective go before the noun and possesive pronouns go after the noun.
Example  : The cat is mine (Noun+Possessive Pronouns)
                   The white cat is hers  (Noun+Possessive Pronouns)
Example :  His dog is black (Adjective + noun)
                   My dog is small (Adjective + noun)

4. Colective Noun :
Collective noun is a noun that is used to represent a group name or a group (consisting of more than one member). This noun can be a person, animal, or thing.
Example : The majority of the students want to come in ceremony tonight.
                  A school of fish is swimming across the water fall.

Kamis, 03 April 2014

Tugas bahasa inggris bisnis 2

Taxt 2

Nama   :  JAYANTI SW
Npm    : 13219731
Kelas   : 4EA18

1.      Simple Past Tense : At one particular time in the past, this happened.
Example : - I took a bath yesterday , - I drunk a coffee yesterday

2.      Present Tense   : In general, the simple present expresses event or situations that exitst always, usually, habitally.
Example :- I usually watch stand up comedy , - I always go to school , - I eat everyday
3.      Future Tense : At one partieular time in the future, this will happen.
Example : - I will drink a tea tomorrow , - I will go to kora next week

Singular noun is describing only one person, place or thing. Plural noun is describes more than one person, place or thing.

Example Singular : The elevator worked very well yesterday
                            Andi had gone before Ani arrived.

Example Plural     : The elevators worked very well yesterday
                             Andi and Amir had gone before Ani arrived. 

Pronoun is a word or form that substitutes for a noun or noun phrase. It is a particular case of a pro-form. Common pronouns include he, her, him, I, it, me, she, them, they, us, and we.
Personal pronoun : These pronouns are used for a specific object or person and they change their form’s to indicate the different gender,number,case and persons speaking.
Example : - He went to the market , - she is doing the laundry
Possesive pronoun : Indude my, mine, our, ours, its, his, her, hers, their, theirs, your, yours, whose, and one’s all word that demonnstrate ownership.
Example : - I saw her book on your table , - His hair is long than hers, - One’s treasure is special
Reflexive pronoun : Those whinch are to indicate a noun whice has been used in an earlier part of the same sentences.
These pronouns are : my self, themsel, yourself, ourselves, herself, himself, and itself.
Example : - Jasmin was going to tske it to the shop but ended up fixing it herself one afternoon., - He prefers to be by himself after a game